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Clients' Aquariums


This client's 180L tank had a medium/fine sponge only in the hood filter, quite capable of dealing with the Dwarf Gourami, Platies, Mollies and Balloon Mollies.


In order to help the bigger fish and create a more stable environment, I upgraded the filter with some biological filtration using Biohome Plus. The existing filtration has since been added to with a secondary internal filter filled with Biogravel.


Eventually the two Sailfin Plecos, which can grow up to 50cm, will need to be rehoused in a bigger tank with an external filter so they can stay healthy and reach their full size.


This client has a very nicely planted community aquarium, with a mixture of Tetras, Guppys, Rasboras and some Amano shrimp. The internal and external filters were mainly reliant on course/medium sponges, activated carbon and Purigen.


Advice was given on upgrading the efficiency of the filtration with a high quality biological media, which has now been completed, using Biohome Plus for the external filter and Biogravel for the internal filter.


A bi-weekly water change and regular filter maintenance keeps this aquarium looking at it's best.


This client has an 8ft (550 litre) fancy goldfish tank on display in a restaurant. A great centrepiece for the customers to enjoy. Unfortunately, the maintenance had fallen behind and the algae was running wild.


The Fluval FX6 filter had the standard media and sponges, which was not coping with the bioload adequately. After an upgrade with course, medium and fine sponges and 5kg of Biohome Plus the filter is now operating well and keeping the water cleaner. A second Fluval FX6 filter filled with Biohome Ultimate has now been added to keep up with the requirements of the aquarium.


Goldfish are generally very greedy and messy, so a larger than usual filter or two is required plus the regular water changes.


This client had a 120L tank with a standard setup internal Juwel Bioflow 3.0 filter. Very light stocking of three Neon Tetras and a Red-tailed Black Shark, gravel substrate, rocks and no plants.


A large accumulation of algae was visible on most surfaces, but due to the low stocking the aquarium test kit showed good results. After a good clean and re-organising the sponges to improve the filter efficiency the tank is looking much better. Five mesh bags of Biogravel were also added to the internal filter to increase the filtration capacity.


After a discussion with the client on the future plans of the aquarium, advice was given on gradually adding a variety of fish and plants. Some Elodea Densa (aka Pondweed) has already been added which gives natural cover for the fish, is very easy to maintain and helps to oxygenate the water.


This client has since upgraded to a larger 250L tank with a good sized external filter filled with high quality graded sponges and 3kg of Biohome Ultimate. The upgraded filtration and extra plants have helped to stabilise and maintain excellent water parameters.


A small second aquarium has now also been sent up with a single male Siamese Fighting Fish.


This client had a biOrb Classic 105L aquarium which only had one fish left in it. After an assessment of the aquarium and a discussion about future plans, I looked after the one Albino Bristlenose Pleco in my home aquarium and upgraded the biOrb while it was empty.


After a shutdown and detailed clean the aquarium was upgraded with course/medium/fine sponges and 5Kg of Biogravel. The design of the biOrb aquarium and the standard air fuelled filter does not usually allow for high stocking or large fish. These upgrades will make for a much more stable and healthy environment for the new inhabitants.


The brand new setup went through a 'fishless' cycling process to establish the required beneficial bacteria. This usually takes 3-4 weeks in a standard shaped aquarium although the process for this aquarium took 6 weeks. Once the cycle was completed the fish were gradually added week by week.


This client was a very experienced fishkeeper with a great knowledge of fish and plants. They had a Boyu 200L community aquarium running a Fluval 306 external filter, the original hood filtration had already been removed. Stocking consisted of a mixture of Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, Swordtails, Mollies and a female Bristlenose Pleco.


The aquarium was looking a bit sad for itself at the start as the algae was taking over and the plants were suffering. After a good scrub of the algae and removal of a large piece of well aged bogwood the aquarium was looking great again. The filter was also cleaned well and upgraded with more biological filtration and better sponges.


More plants were then added to complement the existing planting. Some additional Peppered Corydoras were also added to help keep the substrate clean.


The first of two aquariums for this client.


A 4ft (120L) Diamondback Terrapin tank with a Fluval U2 internal filter with carbon. A rock cave and some plastic plants help to provide a welcome bit of shelter for the two Terrapins.


Terrapins require a basking area under a powerful heat lamp to dry out fully and strengthen their shell, in order to achieve this adequate space must be left above the surface of the water, which is why the tank is just over half full.


After a good first clean this aquarium is already looking much better and the terrapins received some juicy worms as a treat.


The second of two aquariums for this client.


A 6ft (420L) Goldfish and Koi tank with two Aquamanta EFX300 external filters, a great setup for big waste producing fish. Some of the fish in this tank will eventually outgrow the space and then be moved into the owners lake to happily grow to full size.


The fake plants were replaced with some bright new ones, the substrate vacuumed well and both filters cleaned thoroughly. A 75% fortnightly water change and alternate filter cleaning help to keep this tank shining.


This client had a Juwel Rio 180L tank with a Fluval 206 external filter. A full overhaul was requested as the tank had become completely overrun with thick black hair algae, on every surface.


All fish and Amano Shrimp, which the client hadn't seen in a very long time, were moved to a temporary holding tank before the main tank was stripped down. Everything was removed including the Juwel 3D background and gravel.


The new items that were added included; intake/return pipework, digital heater, stick-on vinyl background, rocks, white sand and live plants (Vallisneria and Elodea Densa). Once everything was up and running again, all livestock were returned to their new home.


The stocking for this tank includes Boesemani Rainbows, a Golden Chinese Algae Eater, Black Widow Tetras, a Yoyo Loach, a group of Amano Shrimp and Platies.


Since the initial overhaul the external filter has been upgraded to a bigger Fluval 406 filter with better mechanical filtration and Biohome Plus biological media.


This fresh and more natural looking setup is being happily explored by the fish and shrimp and the client is enjoying being able to see all of the inhabitants.


This client has a Juwel Rio 240L tank with an Eheim Classic 250 external filter. A powerful air pump running a small air stone and a large air disc.


The stocking is a mixture of Platies, Mollies, Clown Loaches, Congo Tetras, Blind Cave Tetras and a Silver Shark.


A mixture of fast growing plants, including Java Moss, help to assist with filtration. Initial water tests were quite good apart from a high level of Nitrate. After testing the tap water on site, the Nitrate level was 20ppm+, which is on the higher side straight from the tap.


Regular filter maintenance and 50% water changes help to keep the Nitrate level from creeping too high. As this aquarium is in the reception area of working kennels it needs to be kept healthy and clean for the fish and visiting customers.


This client's biOrb 30L had been overrun with algae and needed a complete refresh.


After relocating the Mollies to an established aquarium, the biOrb was emptied and scrubbed with an acrylic friendly sponge to remove the stubborn grime.


The filtration was upgraded with a course sponge ring, which helps to filter any big particles of dirt before being drawn into the filter box, to allow a graded filtration. New Alfagrog filter media and stones were added, as well as some new ornaments.


Once the aquarium was fully cycled again the Mollies were returned to their new clean home.


This client's Ciano Nexus Pure 25 aquarium only has a water capacity of 22L and a very small filter, albeit with a high flow rate. The water test results were not good across the board, with Ammonia especially high.


The five Danios/Platies were removed and held temporarily in a large bucket of treated and heated water with a giant air stone. The aquarium was then completely emptied and scrubbed clean and a third of the gravel was completely removed. A deep substrate can cause lots of detritus to get trapped and lead to high levels of Ammonia, which reduces the oxygen level in an aquarium and is lethal to fish. 


The filter, which was clogged and not circulating water, was then thoroughly cleaned and some freshwater bacteria balls were added to boost the beneficial bacteria in the system.


Once the aquarium was filled with 75% fresh water and up to temperature the fish were returned to their home. The photo on the far right is one day after the initial clean.


Please note: Everything in this aquarium was cleaned using mature tank water and then rinsed in treated tap water to keep as much beneficial bacteria alive. This is essential if returning fish (on the same day) to an aquarium that has had a full strip down.


This client's ND Aquatics 160L aquarium was in need of some good plants to out-compete the algae. The large external filter is filled with 3kg of Biohome Ultimate and this keeps the water parameters very stable.


The stocking includes a mixture of Tetras, Hatchetfish and some Peppered Corydoras. Otocinclus were added to keep the algae at bay and the plants looking their best.


A regular water change and filter maintenance schedule makes sure that the fish are kept healthy.

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