Fish Profile Friday
It's not just Friday, it's Fish Profile Friday!
New fish profiles will be posted here, which will build up a database of fish and the type of tank setup that may work for you. Just click on each photo to open a PDF file.
Let me know if you like this feature on the website, recommendations are always welcome. My contact details are available on the contact page.
Pakistani Loach/YoYo Loach
Oto Catfish
Southern Platy/Platy
Albino Cory
Cardinal Tetra
Bristlenose Pleco
Clown Loach
Sailfin Pleco
Synodontis Rebeli
Marbled Hatchetfish
Weather Loach
Siamese Fighting Fish
Red-tailed Black Shark
Dwarf/Pea Puffer Fish
Tiger Barb
Fire Eel
Gardner's Killifish
Upside-down Catfish
Pearl Gourami
Black Molly
Rummy-nose Tetra
Zebra Pleco
Malawi Blue Dolphin Cichlid
Neon/Dwarf Rainbowfish
Black Moor Goldfish
Kulhi Loach
Cuckoo Catfish
Three-lined Cory
Potato/Congo Box Puffer
Chinese Algae Eater
Rocket Panchax
Common Freshwater Stingray
Bleeding Heart Tetra
Giant Gourami
Zebra Danio
White Cloud Mountain Minnow